Air Analysis
Our Air Laboratory has been a full service and productive part of our testing lab capable of all your Volatile Air analysis needs. SunStar Labs utilizes the latest technology in every aspect of your samples’ analysis to ensure you get the highest quality data, while meeting your strict reporting limit requirements, and providing the most timely turnaround. SunStar Labs provides sampling technology for ease of sampling in the field. All of our canisters are equipped with quick connect valves making them the easiest to use in the industry.

Soil Analysis
Soil testing has been the cornerstone of our labs original building blocks. We have diversified our soil testing lab to include all testing needs of our customers. Our lab is testing all states of testing volatile, semi volatile, extractables, leaching procedures, irregular solids and matrixes. Extraction procedures from 5035 prep for volatile samples to TCLP and STLP procedures for leachable matrixes to fume hoods for solvent extraction of everything in between.

Water Analysis
A lot time and effort has gone into the development of our Water Analysis capabilities. Our water testing capabilities have been very much expanded of the past several years. We have diversified our Water Testing Capabilities to encompass a full service testing group of methods. We have added a complete Waste Water field of testing to handle waste compliance and storm water tests. Testing includes, volatiles, semi volatiles, wet chem, metals, and bench testing.